
Friday 28 November 2014

Check out TOWIE's Ricky Rayment's 2015 Calendar

We're not going to lie...this isn't something we were expecting from Ricky!


But for those of you who are fans of the beard and the man, then you might want to get yourself the Ricky Rayment Calendar 2015.


With his recent split from co-star Jessica, Ricky is now showing all the ladies what he's got to offer, and we're not quite sure what we think of it! There seems to be some odd blurry photoshop, and a lot of awkward posing going on.


Is Ricky just trying to compete with his ex and her Jessica Wright 2015 Calendar? Something tells us he won't win in the sales department!


What do you think of Ricky's calendar? Will you be purchasing it?

Monday 3 November 2014

TOWIE's Ricky Rayment was Cheating on Jessica Wright

It's not the first time he's been caught out for cheating, and in last night's episode of The Only Way is Essex we saw Ricky Rayment confessing to "sexting" another girl.


But who was this girl? Well, it turns out Ricky seems to have a thing for singers, as not only is his now ex-girlfriend Jessica Wright a singer, but he has now behaved inappropriately with a SECOND X Factor star. Ricky was caught out last year when he had a secret affair with an X Factor hopeful, and this year he's been "sexting" another.


The girl in question happens to be Lydia Lucy, a 2013 X Factor reject, who i also in a relationship and is said to have responded to the messages for 60 minutes in a friendly tone. Ricky was said to have seen a photo of Lucy in a green dress, and sent her a private message on Twitter saying "you look amazing", before continuing to tell her that he would “be happy to see more.”



After the first episode aired where Jess confronts Ricky about the messages, Lydia took to Twitter to try and defend herself and thank those who have stood by her: 


Lydia has since gone to the paper The Sun to make some money out of this explain her side of the story, and said 'I don't want Ricky to ever contact me again.' She also explains how she has received Twitter threats from fans of the show who believe she played a part in the breakup of the couple:


On last night's TOWIE Halloween special, Ricky explained how he wasn't too bothered about the relationship ending. A source close to the couple also confirmed this, “Ricky doesn’t feel bad, he only feels bad for not feeling bad. He’s told everyone he was waiting for Jess to screw up so he could finish things anyway. He’s been saying that their relationship has been in such a bad place that bedroom activity has been non-existent.”

It's also been said that Ricky has gone around telling fellow cast members that Jess is bad in bed, as well as hurtfully expressing in last nights show "I love her to pieces but she's boring as f**k."

Jessica took to Twitter to vent her feelings after watching the TOWIE episode where she confronted Ricky about the messages. Jess tweeted about the public confrontation 'I did what I did for the right reaon. I know the WHOLE truth even though it's still being tried to played down. Unbelievable. MORE LIES.' Jess also explains how she has all the evidence she needs to know exactly what went on saying, 'I have every single message in black & white which lasted for more than 60 MINUTES #morelies haven't I been through enough' finally she tweeted 'Clearly I was a fool to expect anything more. We live and learn' and 'Times like this is when people really show their true colours & deflect their guilt & disloyalty onto other people to get out of their own' :


Ricky has remained silent on his Twitter, and has only made one announcement that he will not be accessing his social networking account for a while, saying 'Gonna come off Twitter for a while. Bye guys':


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