
Saturday 17 January 2015

Katie Price Enters the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 House

We announced two days ago that rumours Katie Price would be entering the CBB house were everywhere. But last night, she made a not so surprising entrance to the house to the surprise of other housemates, especially 'Britain's most hated woman' Katie Hopkins who has criticised Katie to the press on numerous occasions.


Katie's first challenge on entering the house was to assign three people to jail while the others had a fun party. Katie chose Nadia, Perez Hilton and Cami to enter the jail cell, to work out their differences.

Katie explained that she's watched the show, but will be judging people off how they are with her in the house. She also said that she wants everyone to get along, and is shocked at the drama and divides in the house. It seems Katie is trying to bring the peace, but how long until she loses her cool with some people?


Most people are currently struggling with Perez Hilton, who they have branded as an attention seeking, over the top, loud mouth! Perez relishes in the anger of others, and yesterday was seen making some interesting noises and stripping down in the garden, just so he could get some extra air time!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Will Katie Price be entering Celebrity Big Brother 2015?

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 have already booted out two members for bad behaviour, and now it looks like they might be throwing a bit more bad behaviour into the mix, with the outspoken glamour model Jordan aka Katie Price!

If rumours are true, Katie is said to be entering the Celebrity Big Brother house, after being offered a six figure sum to take part. Close friend and CBB Bit on the side presenter Rylan Clark explains just how much Katie wants to be a part of CBB, he said, 'Kate will do Celebrity Big Brother. I think it's inevitable that she will go in there, but when the time is right. Will it be in January? I doubt it, but as her mate, I do know how much she wants to do it.' 

The show has received a lot of criticism early on due to racial language, as well as other awful behaviour where one cast member opened another housemates dressing gown exposing her without her consent.

OK! Magazine, recently ran an article questioning whether Channel 5 would axe the show altogether due to such lewd behaviour. 

Could Katie Price be the saviour of the show? We don't know, but we'd LOVE to watch her, we know she'd shake things up with the housemates! What do you think? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Monday 12 January 2015

Ken Morley Kicked out of the Celebrity Big Brother 2015 House!

It feels like news has only just broke that Jeremy Jackson was booted off Celebrity Big Brother, but we've now just got the news that Coronation Street's Ken Morley has also been ejected from the house for repeated used of a racial term, the 'N' word!


Ken has been shown being reprimanded by Big Brother staff several times in the diary room for bad behaviour to other members of the show, and now it looks like they have had to follow through with their final warning and kick Ken off the show!

Ofcom received 244 complaints about Ken's use of "racist and sexist language" on Saturday's show, where Ken was seen speaking in a vulgar way to a variety of housemates.

Ken's son Roger Morley has even taken to Twitter to apologise for his father's offensive behaviour tweeting 'I would like to apologise to anyone who may of been offended by my Dads behaviour tonight.'


Do you agree with the decision to kick Ken out of the CBB house? Leave us a comment below and let us know!

Does Make Up Free Selfie Prove Kylie Jenner had Surgery?

She's recently faced a surge of criticism for her supposed lip surgery that led to a fed up Kylie Jenner asking haters to leave her alone. But now we just have to reopen the question about Kylizzle's lips, as the youngest Jenner uploaded a make up free selfie to her Instagram account that shows her lips are not 'just down to lip liner' as her makeup artists suggest.

As you can see in the photo below, Kylie's lips look a lot fuller than previous younger photos of the star would suggest, and without the use of lip liner, it's clear something has been done to give her this look.


Check out these older photos of Kylie, you can see that she didn't really have much of an upper lip, something that she has now had corrected:


When putting two photos together from 2011 and 2014 side by side, you can see quite a radical change in Kylie's looks over the years that can't all be down to the wonders of fake tan, makeup and styling. In the photo below you can see a clear difference in the shape of Kylie's lips, and you can also see Kylizzle's nose seems a lot slimmer in the 2014 photo. Kylie has also clearly lost quite a bit of weight as in 2011 she seems to have a fuller face 


What do you think? Do you believe it's all down to lip liner and the magic of the make up squad, or can you see a clear difference in Miss Jenner's looks since her early days? Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Ladies of London Noelle Reno fiance Scot Young found DEAD

This is a horrific story, one that we were shocked to hear about!

It has been announced today that former property tycoon Scot Young, has fallen from his house in London and died.


Ladies of London star Noelle Reno had been dating Scot Young, a property tycoon who has been involved in a very public divorce battle with his ex wife for a number of years. Scot's ex wife claimed that Mr Young had hidden money from her when she filed for divorce, and was now trying to claim he had no money. Scot denied the accusations, telling the court that he had no money left to offer her and that he could not pay his child maintenance fees for his two daughters, which were in excess of £27,000 a month.


Scot and Noelle had recently moved into a new apartment in Montagu Square, West London, which was next door to Ringo Starr from The Beatles old house.

Scot and his ex wife married in 1995 and over the course of their 11 year marriage, Mr Young became very successful.

The couple then moved into a nine bedroom Palladian house in Oxfordshire, with servants, and had a £6 million beach house in Florida and a £3 million yacht. The once Mrs Young claims her wedding ring cost £1 million and when they went out for meals they would spend £5,000 a time.

Scot's death has been described as onlookers as extremely distressing, and even police who witnessed the incident have said it has been the most difficult scene they have ever seen. Scot fell from a window in his house, and ended up impaled on the railings below.

Noelle Reno has been too devastated to comment, we wish her the very best at this extremely difficult time.

Police have released a statement saying "A man, believed aged in his early 50s, was pronounced dead at the scene. The death is not being treated as suspicious at this time."

Friday 28 November 2014

Check out TOWIE's Ricky Rayment's 2015 Calendar

We're not going to lie...this isn't something we were expecting from Ricky!


But for those of you who are fans of the beard and the man, then you might want to get yourself the Ricky Rayment Calendar 2015.


With his recent split from co-star Jessica, Ricky is now showing all the ladies what he's got to offer, and we're not quite sure what we think of it! There seems to be some odd blurry photoshop, and a lot of awkward posing going on.


Is Ricky just trying to compete with his ex and her Jessica Wright 2015 Calendar? Something tells us he won't win in the sales department!


What do you think of Ricky's calendar? Will you be purchasing it?

Monday 3 November 2014

TOWIE's Ricky Rayment was Cheating on Jessica Wright

It's not the first time he's been caught out for cheating, and in last night's episode of The Only Way is Essex we saw Ricky Rayment confessing to "sexting" another girl.


But who was this girl? Well, it turns out Ricky seems to have a thing for singers, as not only is his now ex-girlfriend Jessica Wright a singer, but he has now behaved inappropriately with a SECOND X Factor star. Ricky was caught out last year when he had a secret affair with an X Factor hopeful, and this year he's been "sexting" another.


The girl in question happens to be Lydia Lucy, a 2013 X Factor reject, who i also in a relationship and is said to have responded to the messages for 60 minutes in a friendly tone. Ricky was said to have seen a photo of Lucy in a green dress, and sent her a private message on Twitter saying "you look amazing", before continuing to tell her that he would “be happy to see more.”



After the first episode aired where Jess confronts Ricky about the messages, Lydia took to Twitter to try and defend herself and thank those who have stood by her: 


Lydia has since gone to the paper The Sun to make some money out of this explain her side of the story, and said 'I don't want Ricky to ever contact me again.' She also explains how she has received Twitter threats from fans of the show who believe she played a part in the breakup of the couple:


On last night's TOWIE Halloween special, Ricky explained how he wasn't too bothered about the relationship ending. A source close to the couple also confirmed this, “Ricky doesn’t feel bad, he only feels bad for not feeling bad. He’s told everyone he was waiting for Jess to screw up so he could finish things anyway. He’s been saying that their relationship has been in such a bad place that bedroom activity has been non-existent.”

It's also been said that Ricky has gone around telling fellow cast members that Jess is bad in bed, as well as hurtfully expressing in last nights show "I love her to pieces but she's boring as f**k."

Jessica took to Twitter to vent her feelings after watching the TOWIE episode where she confronted Ricky about the messages. Jess tweeted about the public confrontation 'I did what I did for the right reaon. I know the WHOLE truth even though it's still being tried to played down. Unbelievable. MORE LIES.' Jess also explains how she has all the evidence she needs to know exactly what went on saying, 'I have every single message in black & white which lasted for more than 60 MINUTES #morelies haven't I been through enough' finally she tweeted 'Clearly I was a fool to expect anything more. We live and learn' and 'Times like this is when people really show their true colours & deflect their guilt & disloyalty onto other people to get out of their own' :


Ricky has remained silent on his Twitter, and has only made one announcement that he will not be accessing his social networking account for a while, saying 'Gonna come off Twitter for a while. Bye guys':


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