
Monday 12 January 2015

Does Make Up Free Selfie Prove Kylie Jenner had Surgery?

She's recently faced a surge of criticism for her supposed lip surgery that led to a fed up Kylie Jenner asking haters to leave her alone. But now we just have to reopen the question about Kylizzle's lips, as the youngest Jenner uploaded a make up free selfie to her Instagram account that shows her lips are not 'just down to lip liner' as her makeup artists suggest.

As you can see in the photo below, Kylie's lips look a lot fuller than previous younger photos of the star would suggest, and without the use of lip liner, it's clear something has been done to give her this look.


Check out these older photos of Kylie, you can see that she didn't really have much of an upper lip, something that she has now had corrected:


When putting two photos together from 2011 and 2014 side by side, you can see quite a radical change in Kylie's looks over the years that can't all be down to the wonders of fake tan, makeup and styling. In the photo below you can see a clear difference in the shape of Kylie's lips, and you can also see Kylizzle's nose seems a lot slimmer in the 2014 photo. Kylie has also clearly lost quite a bit of weight as in 2011 she seems to have a fuller face 


What do you think? Do you believe it's all down to lip liner and the magic of the make up squad, or can you see a clear difference in Miss Jenner's looks since her early days? Let us know in the comments below!

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